A few things to consider as you plan your ceremony:
- Do you want the songs to be classic love songs focused on you and your groom?
- Do you want to have a more formal feel with a classically-styled prelude, processional, and recessional?
- Do you want to include more sacred love songs that focus on God’s love to us, rather than romantic love between a bride and groom?
Your wedding can and should be as unique as you are, so don’t feel pressured to include only love songs that you’ve heard at other weddings. And this list is by no means exhaustive. Simply searching “wedding love songs” on YouTube will pull up a list that would take years to listen to.
Here are a few great ideas:
- Forever and Ever I Do- Becky Rochester Matthews- “…This feeling that we share, I know that God has placed there…As long as there is you, I’ll be faithful and true…” Here’s the sheet music: http://imgur.com/jLT6KsW.
- I Delighted in the Lord- Jim and Melissa Brady. This song is based on Psalm 37:4. I love the line, “We are living proof His Word is true…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbNVVkMEM-8. One of my favorite love song albums is by Jim and Melissa Brady. It’s a collection of songs they’ve written to each other. You can download the album here. The songs are well-written and come from a Christian and Biblical perspective of romantic love.
- The Marriage Prayer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4_sfgjRcfI This one is just great. I mean, really good. The focus is on asking God’s blessing on your new home and life together.
- I Will Be Here- Steven Curtis Chapman- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1KsGtMZ9HI I’ll never get tired of playing this for a wedding. Such a great sentiment of commitment.
- When God Made You- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIdnp0z0OCA. For several years, I played this at almost every wedding, it seemed! It’s been a few years since I’ve heard it though. Definitely a good one.
- All Along- this one is sung to the Lord, but it would be AWESOME for a wedding. This one comes from my list of personal favorites, so it’s special. A good one for your wedding party to walk in on, or during the unity candle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwaTkqNiNzY
- The Story of My Life- This one is kinda like “All Along.” It would work for the parents walking in or while your bridal party walks in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdksBXX6zYo
- Ever Faithful to You- Jeff and Sheri Easter- This is just a great love song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVoxyfkkTKI
- You’re the Answer to My Prayer- This song is beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8t_GbS0Q3s.
- Only God Could Love You More- Kelly Nelon Thompson. A 80’s classic Christian love song for a reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8727KiKLu5U
- A Parent’s Prayer- Steven Curtis Chapman- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6TvOpMP_8g This one would be great for while the parents do their thing at the beginning.
- From This Moment- Shania Twain- (I don’t like her at all, but honestly, this one is super pretty). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHUNoUFrh6E
- I Choose You- Ryann Darling- In the past couple years, I’ve been hearing this one more often. It has a sweet message and a strong emphasis on the Lord during the second verse and chorus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXN-m49MHO0
- “I Could Not Do Without My Plea”- This song is directed towards the Lord. I love the focus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOeWxAw8gFg
- “Set Me As a Seal”- This comes from a phrase in Song of Solomon. It’s absolutely one of my favorite choral pieces ever. My high school choir sang it one year and I fell in love with it. We had it sung at our wedding in April 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KiyQzXIYDI
- The Wedding Prayer- Wesley Putnam- This is one I just discovered recently. I’m learning it for a wedding I’m playing later this Summer. It’s a really simple and beautiful song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SNYD2o0fME
- He’s Always Been Faithful- Sarah Groves- I just heard this at a wedding I played for this Summer. It quickly became a favorite. It’s not just a wedding song. It’s a song that just honors God for His constant faithfulness throughout your life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXD8tXVtstk
- The Prayer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er5SjfW9924. One of my favorite versions of this song is by Lauren Talley and David Phelps. This classic David Foster song has probably been played and sung at more weddings than any other song, but it’s become a stereotypical wedding song for a reason. It’s some of the most beautiful music written in our generation.
- In My Eyes- this one is from the mother’s perspective. I played this at a wedding 15 years ago, and thought it was such a gorgeous piece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YospouyyVUc
- To God Be the Glory- I knew I’d have this Andrae Crouch song as my bridal processional for about 10 years before I got married. It was as powerful and emotional as I thought it would be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iltoATb142M
- Psalm 34- My grandfather has always said he thought Psalm 34:3 would make a wonderful wedding verse. It says, “O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.” So, when I heard this song by Brooklyn Tabernacle, I decided to use it as my recessional. It has over 7 million views on YouTube, and half of them are probably mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfW2mkkMTAg
When planning your wedding music, don’t forget about the prelude and postlude. If you have specific songs you want during those times, tell your wedding musicians well in advance. I usually play a medley of hymns and love songs during the prelude and upbeat hymns about God’s faithfulness and glory during the postlude. Your wedding musicians probably have a repertoire as well, but make sure to communicate your preferences before the rehearsal the day before the wedding.
Also, using great classic hymns you love make great wedding music. I’ve played “How Great Thou Art,” “My Jesus I Love Thee,” “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” “To God Be the Glory” and more as processionals and recessionals. I’ve even done Edwin Hawkins’ “O Happy Day!” Think about songs that have personal meaning to you and your spouse-to-be to make your wedding as special as you are!
Happy planning!
I played at a reception when I was about that old. Bride & groom left the music selection to me, and should not have… Among other things, I played Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust.”
Haha! We learn as we go, for sure! 😉
Hi there! Do you have sheet music for “The wedding Prayer” you could email me by chance? I’ve been asked to do it for a wedding but can’t find the music anywhere.
I do not have that music. So sorry!
If you have the name of the composer/writer, search for it on http://www.sheetmusicplus.com or the MusicNotes app.
Wanted to print words to wedding prayer Wesley Putnam to sgg heard w family at very small wedding; as a testimony. but can’t find. Do U have them?
Here’s a link to the YouTube video. I played this at a wedding a couple years ago, and I believe the singer just typed the words out from listening to this video.